Friday, December 23, 2011

six questions with unexpected answers.....

Once the great Imam Al-Ghazali posed 6 questions to his students as follows;-

Q1 – “What is very close to us in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as our parents, spouse, close friends, our children and etc.

Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘death’ because Allah SWT has promised us that those who lives will definitely die” (refer Sura Ali Imran 185)

Q2 – What is the furthest from us in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as the country of China, the moon, the sun and etc.

Al-Ghazali replied:“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘our past’ because in whatever the circumstances , whoever we are and whatever vehicle we use we cannot go back into the past. So we have to always take care of today and the coming days with righteous deeds that is taught by Islam”

Q3 – “What is the biggest in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as the mountain, the earth, the sun and etc.

Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘temptation (Nafs)’. So we must always be cautious with our temptation so as not to allow it to drive us to hell (Jahannam)” Refer Sura Al A’raf 179)

Q4 - “What is the heaviest in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as iron, steel, the elephant and etc.
Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is [b]‘being trustworthy [/B](Amanah)’ Al Ghazali explain “ The plants, trees, animals and the mountain could not accept the task of being the caliph of this world but human, with arrogance and conceit accepted the task and so much so many human beings are being thrown into hell (Jahannam) by Allah SWt because they have breached the trust others place on them. Refer Sura Al Ahzab 72)

Q5 - “What is the lightest in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as cotton, dust, the wind and etc...

Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘neglecting the salat (daily prayer’. Al Ghazali explain this is especially true as people are known to simply neglect the salat because they are having a business meeting , having to work etc

Q6 - “What is the sharpest in this world?”

The students gave all kind of answers such as the sword, knife and etc...

Al-Ghazali replied:-“ Yes, those answers are quite correct but the perfect answer is ‘human tongue’. Al Ghazali explains that with their tongues human arrogantly will offend and hurt the feeling of others. 

The life of the heart is knowledge; so preserve it, The death of the heart is ignorance; so avoid it. Your best provision is true devotion; so provide it. This advice of mine is enough for you; so heed it. - Imam al-Ghazâlî

i know this kind of copy and paste and its not original from my own thought...but i just want to share with you people how do i feel so touched when i read this and i want you to feel it too...i know maybe me too will not have the answer such like IMAM GHAZALI...from this we can really know what is the heaviest thing in our life...the biggest the that we can build our life based on the islamics way...

peace no war :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

jom tambahkan pahala :)

Pada satu hari yang indah, dia telah berkata, "الله اكبر".
Kemudian dia menyambung lagi, "لا إلـﮧ إلاَّ اللـَّـﮧ مُـכـمَّــدْ رَسُــولُ اللـَّـﮧ".
Selepas itu dia berkata, "لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحانَكَ إِنّى كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمينَ".
Dia menambah sikit lagi, "سُبْحانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ, سُبْحَانَ اللهِ الْعَظِيْمِ".
Dengan melakukan semua perkara berikut, dia telah diberi ganjaran yang sangat besar dari ALLAH SWT.

Kamu mahu tahu siapakah orang yang beruntung itu? Orang itu adalah KAMU!

【ツ】Silakan share pada teman-teman yang lain. Moga beroleh manfaat.

sma2 kita dapat berzikir..

orang yang hebat adalah pabila rohani dia pon hebat...jom kita baca ni selalu....mudah-mudahan diterima amalan and jadi pelindung buat diri kita dari api neraka dan segala azab ALLAH....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

facebook is not everything....


everyone knows what facebook is...everyone has their own facebook account,,,am i right or wrong here...
i think i'm on the right side...even when you kind of stalk others profile you may see a kid at the age of 10 have facebook...its even said if you dont have facebook you such a lame...

everyone says that facebook is the place where you can connect to your friends or even your old friend whom you've not seen or met seen decades...thats the good thing...the ukhuwah will never apart...
some may say that this facebook account is the place where i can look for my soulmate...emmm is that true or just to fill the loneliness...who knows i'm just guessing...or some may say that this facebook is the place i can share my feelings to all so that everyone can know how i tell what your problems were...

you update the status almost every second...

"i feel so sad today my boyfriend broke up with me"
"damn you bitch you take my bf i will kill you moron"
"today i went to date with my gf...such a wonderful day today"
"i want to go to sleep now..."
"i'm eating right now"
i'm bla bla bla right now...

so many things...even the things suppose to be kind of secret you wrote it so that all the world knows your secret...
if only i think to update status on facebook is to just speak then it will come out...wah all of the thing you've want to say must been posted to the wall already...
some of us i think if there's problem came into their life, the first thing he or she tell to is the facebook..its like facebook is the GOD to express all the thing...

isnt that HE is the one who you suppose to look for whenever trouble or problems come...

does facebook makes you feel relieved, calm or peace???
does facebook can solve all your problems???
does every friend you have comment and say the solution???
does every friends you have comfort you???

ok maybe some friends do care bout you...but do you heart really feel at ease for real???
you may say yes but to be honest and true you feel it???
not that 100% right???

facebook is not the one who hold your heart...
facebook not the one who control your heart...
dont tell everything in facebook cause it might end up badly..

if you tell ALLAH no one know...only HE knows...HE can keep your secret one will know...if you tell facebook your friends might tell others...
ALLAH can make you feel me..

if you have any kind of problems...take the wudhu' then do "solat sunat" then raise up your hand...
tell everything to HIM....cry as hard as you one will call you childish or one will laugh at you...instead HE will help you...



F - Fahamilah wahai manusia
C - Cinta pada manusia hanya sekejap cinta pd ALLAH kekal abadi
E - Esok entah kita masih bernyawa @ pun tidak
B - Beramallah kita pada yg MAHA ESA kerana
O - Orang yg selalu beramal di sayangi ALLAH dan
O - Orang yg berbuat kebaikan akan di limpah kurniaNYA
K - Kerana ALLAH itu satu ♥

Thursday, December 8, 2011


"eh mlm ni kena baca la ape yg blaja dlm lecture td...nnti bak kata prof if u dont read soon after class u might forget and unable to recall back"

so mcm semangat nk baca da siap da buka buku and pegang pensel...

tiba-tiba hati cakap "eh ak xbukak fb lgi la arini...aceh nk bukak jap la rasanya msti bnyk noti...yela bdak hot kan ak ni :D...ok eh 20 minit je ye"

after 20 minit.....

"eh sonok gak ni stalk da 20 minit da...emmm jap la...ish2 dia ni ngan org ni rupenye xsanka tol"

lepas pukul yg ke brapa.....

"ngantukknyeerrrr....zzzzzzz jom tido la.....esok je la ak study...exam pon lame lgi kan....ok nite sume"

siapa blh bgtaw apakah sifat yg ditunjukkan ole si polan di atas???

paham x??? heee...paham la kan...procastination is the words of "tangguh" in english....
so this is kind of what the polan up there had been doing.....

is it a good thing or bad thing???

of coz bad right....very very too kdg2 rasa mcm malas nye...tlg lah ak nk tgk movie...ak nk tgk runningman pikir balik antara runningman dgn module cns mne lgi pntg???

tp lumrah manusia even saya sndri lebih suka kan sumting yg leisure...yg xyah la nk gune otak kalau la sume org mcm ni mcm mne dunia nk maju...mcm mne diri sndri nk berjaya...mcm mna ISLAM nk membangun and berkembang....

"berkorban apa saja...harta ataupun nyawa"
lagu ni femes to be success first is to sacrifice...sacrifice all the joyousness...all the fun happy thing for a while...but that doesnt mean that u suppose to be serious all the time...its quite boring if u're too serious...
one thing u should keep yourself distance with is the word of...

which is the word for the PROCRASTINATOR!!!!!

oit-oit sume bertangguh tu xkan penah bgi benefit or kelebihan pon...yes at first happy la kan mcm xde wat pape sume tp nnti final nnti...nahas korunk sume...alamatnya nnt kopi kaw kapal api satu jug korunk hentam...

stop being active and be the mover...the doers...tired first is worth when at last u get the happiness that u'll be very grateful. for..


jom kita saksikan kisah2 org procrastinator....

dear kwn2 sekalian.....

jgnlah kita menangguh-nagguhkan sesuatu kerja...kelak kita akan binasa and kelak kita maybe akan termasuk dlm golongan org yg menyesal...kalau menyesal di kemudian hari xberguna lgi...biarlah kita besusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian...dlm setiap perkara yg kita inginkan tak akan ada yg permulaannya mudah...sume nya ada pahit manis maung nya sendiri tp ALLAH bg kita kudrat untuk wat sume tu...ALLAH bagi kita akal untuk kita selesaikan sumenya...ALLAH bagi kita sahabat untuk kita bekerjasama meringankan beban...tgk mmg ALLAH aturkan benda yg susah untuk cara untuk mudahkan sume nye ada di sekeliling kita...tinggal kita je nk pilih kot yg mne...jgn lah smpi menghalalkan cara untuk mendapatkan sesuatu...wat kerja biarlah berpandukan AL-QURAN dan SUNNAH....

‎"Allah did not promise that the way would be easy. But, He did promise that He would be with you in every single step of your life as long as you want Him too.Then, when you have take a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah love to those who put their trust in Him."

Ha...sapa ada sifat-sifat di atas ni...mksudnya anda telah memasuki lembah "penangguhan"...jadi waspada...elakkan diri anda sblom terjebak...kalau x...habislah!!!!!!

jgn smpi jd mcm atuk ni...tu la bertangguh je keje...ceh masa muda enjoy la konon...da tua baru sedar perkara apa yg di nak buat dlm hidup dia....kalau da tua da x larat da sume da sementara masih lagi ALLAH bagi kekuatan ni rancanglah and pikirlah jalan hidup anda sebelum terlambat....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

-random kot-

orang meaning human...human meaning tu perkataan sume adalah sinonim....huuuuu...

based on gambar tu...hehehe mcm nk wat presentation la plak kan...blogging kind of presentation what...but presentation of the thought sincerely from the heart...aceceh mcm 'terjiwang' >.<

ok back to our topic...just look at the picture...apa yg blh d'lihat and perhatikan...there's so many kind of expression...right??? so nk kata kat sini manusia atau orang atau human ni are variety...all of us have different kind of attitude, personality, habit...even names....

kita diciptakan ke dunia ni bkn  hanya dgn satu karakter...and antara kita pon xsama...masing2 ada perangai dia i grow up...huuu grow xdelah grow mne pon...apa yg ckpkan...manusia ni bkn nya gaya je yg lain tp hati pon lain2 gak....

ada orang yg hatinya cpt sgt terasa even dgn small things...ada yg 'ok ak xkesa...lantaklah'...ada yg pendam and one day explode...itu agak bahaya....

sbnarnya xtaw pon nk tulis ape...tiba2 blank...kita pon taw kan dunia ni ada mcm2 kita xley nk expect sume org sma prngai mcm kita....and jugak kita xblh nk expect org phm kita totally...i mean even kdg2 best friend kita pon xtaw apa yg bermain dlm hati bila ada perkara kecil yg berlaku and mmg lumrah kita mmg xblh nk puaskan hati sume org walopon kita da wat yg terbaik....coz kita one is perfect totally in this earth...

dont always judge people this and that but look for yourself...
if you're to busy saying people this and that should be busy to make sure yourself not to be this and that....

  -saying random words with no motive and no point...-